Town Hall Medicine

The idea for Town Hall Medicine came from my frustration at not being able to find an online destination which curated the latest trusted facts in health research.   I am so excited to see my original idea come to life through the partnership between the University of Toronto’s Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy and Genuine Health.

At Town Hall Medicine, we believe that through access to credible science-backed information, you can have the knowledge you need to take steps to live a healthier life.  To give you that knowledge, we have secured top scientists from around the world – the best of the best from such respected institutions as Harvard, UCLA, University of Western Australia, University of British Columbia, University of Toronto – to share their research findings directly with you.  These scientists are highly respected in their fields and are doing the work that is changing how we think about our health.

The topic of our summit is the fascinating and ever-evolving  microbiome.  As host, I had the honour and privilege of interviewing our experts to learn about their ground breaking research.   My goal through all of the interviews is to elevate the conversation on current health topics by providing information that is accurate, credible, proven and trusted.  I hope you will be inspired to participate in this educational journey to better health.

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